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dvc cleanup

Replace a DevCycle variable with a static value in the current version of your code. Currently only JavaScript is supported.

dvc cleanup [KEY]

Replace a DevCycle variable with a static value in the current version of your code. Currently only JavaScript is supported.

$ dvc cleanup [KEY] [--config-path <value>] [--auth-path <value>] [--repo-config-path <value>] [--client-id
<value>] [--client-secret <value>] [--project <value>] [--no-api] [--headless] [--value <value>] [--type
String|Boolean|Number|JSON] [--include <value>] [--exclude <value>] [--output console|file] [--var-alias <value>]

KEY Key of variable to replace.

--exclude=<value>... Files to exclude when scanning for variables to cleanup. By default all files are included.
Accepts multiple glob patterns.
--include=<value>... Files to include when scanning for variables to cleanup. By default all files are included.
Accepts multiple glob patterns.
--output=<option> [default: file] Where the refactored code will be output. By default it overwrites the source
<options: console|file>
--type=<option> The type of the value that will be replacing the variable. Valid values include: String,
Boolean, Number, JSON
<options: String|Boolean|Number|JSON>
--value=<value> Value to use in place of variable.
--var-alias=<value>... Aliases to use when identifying variables in your code. Should contain a code reference mapped
to a DevCycle variable key, eg. "--var-alias "VARIABLES.ENABLE_V1=enable-v1"

--auth-path=<value> Override the default location to look for an auth.yml file
--client-id=<value> Client ID to use for DevCycle API Authorization
--client-secret=<value> Client Secret to use for DevCycle API Authorization
--config-path=<value> Override the default location to look for the user.yml file
--headless Disable all interactive flows and format output for easy parsing.
--no-api Disable API-based enhancements for commands where authorization is optional. Suppresses
warnings about missing credentials.
--project=<value> Project key to use for the DevCycle API requests
--repo-config-path=<value> Override the default location to look for the repo config.yml file

Replace a DevCycle variable with a static value in the current version of your code. Currently only JavaScript is

$ dvc cleanup

$ dvc cleanup my-variable-key --value true --type Boolean

$ dvc cleanup some-var --value "My Custom Name" --type String

See code: dist/commands/cleanup/index.ts